If you are assisting an aging loved one to manage their Type II diabetes, you are far from alone. 25% of senior citizens have been diagnosed with diabetes, making it one of the most prevalent chronic medical conditions. If not managed correctly, diabetes can lead to dangerous blood sugar spikes that can cause vision loss, kidney failure, stroke, skin infections, dental disease, depression, hypertension, heart disease, restricted blood flow in the legs and feet, and neuropathy.

If someone in your life has Type II diabetes, this checklist will provide essential information to help them manage their condition.

Venice assisted living

Self-monitoring: Regularly self-monitoring blood sugar at home can play a critical role in helping a senior manage their condition. High blood sugar is not necessarily symptomatic, so self-monitoring can help individuals stay on top of their illness. Hidden symptoms can cause complacency and can result in someone getting very ill. Self-monitoring requires a blood sugar monitor, test strips, and a way to record readings. Family members can help by storing blood sugar monitoring supplies in a convenient location and encouraging a routine schedule for checking blood sugar. Setting reminders on the patient’s alarm clock or smartphone can help.

Medication Management: Diet and exercise play a significant role in managing diabetes, but most people also rely on medication. Sticking to a medicine schedule isn’t always easy, especially when pill bottles all look the same and medication names are confusing. Pill organizers can help to sort medicine in advance by the day of the week and time of day if appropriate.

Regular Exercise: Managing diabetes with physical activity is recommended, but consistency is key. Routine exercise supports a healthy weight and can optimize insulin sensitivity to reduce blood glucose levels. Because exercise can be strenuous on the body, it’s vital to consult with the patient’s doctor before beginning a new exercise regimen. They may recommend checking blood sugar levels prior to a workout and consuming certain carbohydrates to avoid unexpected blood sugar drops. If your family member is reluctant to begin a daily exercise regimen, start small with a simple walk, swimming laps, taking a bike ride, or a fitness class at the senior center. Until they make friends, join them in their exercise. Studies have proven that exercising with a friend inspires motivation and can even allow for longer exercise sessions.

Eating a Nutritious Diet: One of the most essential jobs caregivers have is preparing meals and ensuring their family member is consuming adequate nutrition to manage their diabetes. Reducing carbohydrate consumption, as well as increasing intake of essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, allows the body to effectively fight high blood sugar.
Depending on the progression of the diabetes, a nutritionist may be seen in tandem with a primary care doctor and diabetes specialist. Caregivers should attend appointments to discuss how many carbs they should be consuming per day, how to read food labels accurately, and what foods are recommended. Try to integrate plenty of whole, plant-based foods into their weekly diet, and watch out for sugars hidden in seemingly “healthy” foods like flavored Greek yogurt, dried fruit, salad dressings, and granola bars.

Keeping Stress at Bay: Stress can lead to blood sugar spikes, so practicing stress relief techniques with your senior loved one with Type II diabetes is another way to enhance health. Yoga, massage, meditation, and aromatherapy have been proven to help manage stress for a healthier mind and body overall.

Assisted Living Services for Those with Type II Diabetes

While assisted living facilities don’t provide comprehensive medical care, they can help an individual manage their treatable Type II diabetes. The community and staff will provide nutritious meals based on their needs, help with medication management, and provide ample opportunity for exercise and engagement to keep stress levels low.

If your loved one is seeking an assisted living residence in the Venice area, call A Banyan Residence for a tour today.