If you are a family member of a patient with a life-limiting illness, you’ve likely heard the terms hospice care and palliative care. But you may not understand the nuances of each of these services, and how they can help your loved one. In this article, we take a look at each of these care options, what they mean and how they may help your situation.

hospice care Venice

Palliative Care Defined

Palliative care focuses on easing the symptoms associated with a current medical condition, such as cancer, ALS or AIDS. Palliative care may also be tasked with addressing the side effects of the treatments for these serious medical conditions or diseases – such as dealing with side effects from chemotherapy. Additionally:

  • Palliative care is an element of hospice care that attempts to alleviate pain and assist with the other health issues associated with the chronic or life-threatening illness.
  • Palliative treatment is not designed to replace standard medical treatments – but it is provided in addition to the help the patient is already undergoing.
  • Palliative care can be added at any time to a patient’s care plan and can be integrated with life-sustaining and curative therapies and treatments.
  • Palliative care doesn’t look to speed the onset of death, instead works to improve the patient’s overall quality of life.
  • Palliative care is a multi-disciplinary team-based care approach that utilizes the talents of many professionals: therapists, social workers, physicians, nurses, counselors, and other specialists.

Hospice Care Defined

Hospice care is provided in the patient’s home, apartment, or assisted living residence. The goal is to provide the patient with as much comfort as possible – whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. As patients approach the end of their life, they often wish to be in familiar surroundings, with people they love. Hospice care gives them this opportunity while still providing the medical care they need. Hospice professionals may cease providing treatments meant to prolong life and instead focus on pain management and comfort. Additionally:

  • Hospice care typically involves many medical experts from various specialties. In addition to physicians and nurses, hospice care may draw from the skills of counselors, social workers, and appropriate clergy members.
  • Hospice care personnel address the issue of death, as well as the emotions that accompany the experience for all involved.
  • Hospice provides bereavement counseling and spiritual guidance.
  • Hospice requires an available caregiver in the home (or other designated hospice location) as full-time caregivers are not provided by hospice care plans.
  • Hospice nurses assigned to the patient assist with ADLs.
  • Needed equipment such as hospital beds or wheelchairs are often provided if needed.
  • Hospice care is designed to help the family members and others involved with the patient to prepare for the end of the patient’s life.
  • Hospice care provides for the best quality care for the patient’s remaining days and allows for a dignified death.
  • Hospice is typically appropriate when a patient is deemed terminal.If your loved one is approaching the end of their life, speak with their doctor and assisted living residence about the best care for them.

    A Banyan Residence is a senior living facility in Venice, Florida. We provide both assisted living and memory care residences to area seniors.