I’m Blake Anderson. I’m the administrator here at A Banyan Residence and people frequently ask us, “Are elderly people generally happier when they move into an assisted living facility?”

My answer would be absolutely yes and the biggest factor in that is the socialization. We find that as people age, they tend to be more reclusive and keep to themselves in their own homes and they miss out on that key socialization aspects that makes people happy.

Now when a resident moves in here, we have a dedicated enrichment staff that gets to know what they like, what they don’t like, what they like to do and we try to make sure we engage them in activities they’re interested in as well as group them with people with similar interests as them, so they can organically make friends.

We also include outings, baseball games, aquariums, scenic drives, restaurants out on the town just to really engage them and the communities surrounding them.

Additionally we find that some senior living people tend to bear a burden of guilt when leaning on family members for care and by moving to an assisted living facility, that removes that guilt and allows them to be free and happy.

Then finally on the diet side or the nutrition for the folks that live here is generally far greater than when they’re living on their own or with a family. We have a licensed nutritionist design all of our menus. All of our food is home-cooked and all of our food is delivered fresh every week.

Just as the cherry on top of that, we have freshly squeezed oranges that we squeeze here on the property. We import coffee beans and we dechlorinate all of the water so it has a crisp and fresh taste to it.

Then if you do have generally questions on more specifics on this, I am happy to go into details and hop on the phone with you for as long as you would like. But we really do think that people love being here and are much happier.